Choosing the right NHS service is important to make sure you get the right care in the fastest time possible, but sometimes it’s difficult to know where to go.


NHS Direct (NHS 111 Service)
This free, 24 hour telephone service will give you advice and direct you to the most appropriate medical service in the area. Please call 111 or visit

Your local pharmacist can give you advice about a range of conditions. Please see the tab entitled "NHS and Other Free Services for more information on the Pharmac Minor Ailments Scheme

GP Surgery
The Surgery will give you advice and treatment for a wide range of conditions including management of long-term illness and help with lifestyle

Minor Injuries Unit
The Minor Injuries Unit can help with fractures, minor burns, sprains and minor cuts. You don’t need an appointment and will be seen in priority order. Your nearest minor injuries unit is at Glastonbury

Accident and Emergency and 999
These services are for medical emergencies, serious breaks and burns and other life-threatening conditions.


Call 111 when you need medical help fast but it’s not a 999 emergencyNHS ChoicesThis site is brought to you by My Surgery Website