Consultations are by appointment only.
Please see surgery timetable under Opening Hours and telephone the receptionist on 01934 742061.
Please be patient if the lines are busy.
Every effort will be made to give you an appointment with the doctor of your choice.
If you know you will need more than 10 minutes please tell the receptionist when you make the appointment.
If you are unable to keep your appointment please notify reception as soon as possible so that we may use this time for another patient.
Please accept that our reception team WILL ask for information regarding the nature of the request to enable us to inform the GP and to safely manage patient priorities. Our GPs demand this and you must be prepared to provide this information. Be assured that our entire team are governed by confidentiality agreements.
Book or Cancel Appointments Online
using Patient Access
- Book or cancel appointments without having to phone (Currently suspended due to COVID).
- Order repeat prescriptions so they are ready to pick up.
- Change your address details in seconds.
- Medical Record - View your Allergy, Medication and Immunisation history.
If you are aged 16 or over, you can book your next appointment or order your repeat prescription online using Patient Access.
Whether you are at home or work you can quickly log on to view, book and cancel appointments and order repeat prescriptions via the internet. Available 24 hours a day, it is especially useful when we are closed or our telephone lines are busy.
To register for an account, complete a sign up form form and bring it to the surgery together with 2 forms of identification.
10-12 Patient Access A5 Leaflet.pdf
Patient Access Sign up form.pdf
Appointment Reminder Service
In December 2018 we introduced a new SMS Messaging service. By opting in to our new service you will receive reminders about upcoming appointments, invitations for annual health checks and information about health services relevant to you. You can also use our new service to cancel your appointments if you can't attend them.
The only requirement is that you have a mobile phone and are over the age of 16. If you want to sign up today you can download a form here: SMS Consent Form and return it to us or speak to a member of our reception team today.