
Dear patients, We are holding our first FLU and COVID clinic on Tuesday 8th October. This means our practice will be closed for all routine matters including GP appointment's, Nurse appointment's Prescription request's and Administrative task's. If you have an urgent medical need that requires immediate attention, please call the surgery.

Many thanks

Cheddar medical centre

registeringNew Patient Registration

Anyone living within our Practice boundary is welcome to apply to register with us. Please bring along your medical card to the surgery.

If you cannot find it we can give you a form to fill in.

The form requests details such as:

  • your name and address
  • your date of birth
  • your NHS number (if you know it)
  • other information, such as the name and address of your previous GP

We will also ask to see proof of your identity, for example:

  • photo identity, such as your passport or driving licence
  • proof of your address, such as a recent (no more than 3 months old) utility bill (gas, electric, water or phone bill, but not a mobile phone bill) or council tax bill

Your identification documents will be photocopied by the receptionist and attached to your medical records.

When you register you will be encouraged to indicate a preferred doctor and we will make every effort to provide appointments with them when requested.

You can, of course, see any of our other doctors if you prefer. 

Registration Pack

If you find it easier you can print of a registration pack to complete at home and bring in to the surgery, the questionnaire must be completed alongside the registration form. 

Permanent Registration Form

Patient Questionnaire 2023

Temporary Registration Form

*Text Messaging Service
*Online Appointment & Prescription Services
*SCR Opt Out Form
*EPS Pharmacy Nomination (EPS2 Patient Info)

*Asterisked items are optional depending on whether you wish to sign up to these services and/or opt out of a Summary Care Record (SCR).  Both the Registration Form and New Patient Questionnaire are required to enable us to proceed with your registration.  Thank you.

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